Ini adalah coretan Sdr. Wie tentang teras gemunggal untuk dikongsi bersama : Allahuakabar
Salam Perpaduan,Saya WIE, bangsa Malaysia, keturunan Cina. Mungkin pelik bagi sesetengah orang apabila mengetahui saya berminat dan meminati teras-teras kayu untuk dijadikan mata cincin.Segala-galanya bermula apabila saya bertemu dengan seorang di Machang, kelantan yang bercerita tentang teras kayu gemunggal dan kemuning hitam.oleh kerana menganggap ianya unik dan pelik saya dengan tanpa ada sebarang niat dan hasrat tertentu... MEMBELI tasbih kayu kemuning ( yang kemudiannya ditambah bilangan daripada 100 biji kepada 108, mengikut penggunaan orang cina )RM 180 dan sebentuk cicin teras gemunggal RM 50.Saya terus menyarungkan cincin gemunggal terbabit dan bersalam.
Make my move back to my parked car dan make my move back.Nothing unsual things happened, my life smooth sailing as usual. without any intention and perhaps im jus forgot bout my gemunggal ring that still attached onto my finger, i wore it and went to sleep that nite.God wills.......i had a strange dreamt. Somebody talked to me and teached me on how to use the ring,after a few moment i can see my ownself in the dream...being chased by strangers. but after a few steps.....they lost my track, unable to see me, being hollow ! They searched for me but still unable to trace me, Amazing !!! Because im jus standing and staring at them jus in front of them !!God will !Then somebody talked to me gain....advised me not to bring the ring to the......cementery,dead people house,mourning ceremony,not to.....commit adultery,do evil things,lying,hit or slap people directly while wearing the ring,always wear the ring, while the ring ( wood )turns blacken.....take a glass ( not glass, plastic thingy but only CLAY )of warm water, submerge the ring until the ring turns its color to its original color( discard the toxin, BAD things sucked from our body )wanna give comments on that ???
November 11, 2008 8:01 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Perkongsian pengalaman " teras gemunggal" -Sdr Wie
Posted by
Mohd Nasir
2:20 AM
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