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Hadaplah Wajah Mu Ke Mana-Mana Di Situ Ada Tuhan

@Hak cipta terpelihara.Semua artikel dan foto dalam blog ini adalah milik mutlak Cikgu Nasir .
Dilarang sama sekali sebarang bentuk salinan, peniruan atau penerbitan semula tanpa izin penulis/pengarang.


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Monday, April 16, 2007

Learn in the teenage

My craze along with a few friends in learning the silat has taught me a lot of the great Malay heritages, which are now have much extinct by time. I also realise that we should grab the opportunity in the young age to learn as much as we can in order to be a perfect being. If we are men, be the true men and if we are women, be the women with good deeds.


Sang Pencinta said...

"I believe some how I will be like them one day.."

Sang Pencinta said...

" Silat is my physical, Islam is my cover, Iman is my blood, Ehsan is my body, BUT ALLAH IS MY HEART..

Sang Pencinta said...

" I realized that too much talk makes me poor, but silent makes me richer.."

Thanks Cikgu..